Monday, May 2, 2011

I haven't been writing! Shit. I have to get back to that--tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

#4 Rant About Anything

I thought I didn't have anything to rant about without getting too upset. My life lately is very chaotic. For instance I can talk about this one girl who's become a bitch. Or I can talk about there not being peace in the world. I can also rant about how boys are stupid...But those are same old, same old, quite expected. Trust me, I have PLENTY to rant about. I can rant for as long as you'd like me to, but I'm sure you don't want to hear it. Without boring anyone I'm going to go with a subject everyone can relate to, without getting way too complicated:


The moments where something mean is said (and you're feelings aren't considered) are the worst..even the nicest people can create these moments. Still, I want to touch upon the subject. People say "don't sweat the small stuff." ie: I go on a website to get a song. I want a person to hear it and listen to it because I thought they'd enjoy the song. Instead, they ignore the music and after it finishes they say "Wait, did you expect me to listen to that?"= the small stuff. I find I sweat the small stuff a lot more than the big stuff. The big stuff I can't control. I can't do anything to effect the outcome of the big stuff. The little stuff all adds up and makes a giant pile of anger, not sweat. Actually, maybe sweat from becoming so agitated. Anyways, the mean thing or things said stick in my mind and ring my ears. Even if it isn't a word said, the action being done replays over and over.
 Like, why did you say that to me? How did you think that wouldn't hurt my feelings? Would you like me to do or say that to you? And why can't I get the rude comment/comments/action out of my head now?!? There are so many problems with the interaction between people. Boy, people are sarcastic, rude, and impolite! They think everything is not a big deal, that I would shake off the little incident.
Well Mr./Mrs. let me tell you: Next time you're about to ignore something I say, ignore the effort I put into something for you, say something sarcastic, offensive, or very mean, I hope you slip in my pile of sweat and get a tiny bruise..a reminder that today you did hurt someone's feelings.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

# Review Movie/Book/SONG/Anything

I'm going to review a song. Now, I would love to do it on my favorite song "Blackbird" by the Beatles but everyone knows its about black people's rights and its historical and beautiful and all. But I want to do something a little more sassy and would differ in opinion from person to person.

"PRETTY GIRL ROCK" by Keri Hilson

Such a sssassy song. Let me get started. The music video is great; Keri is so graceful in it. The song has a great melody. It's not one of those songs where the computerized beat is made first, and then after the meaningless, degrading lyrics "yep that shit mhm ladies should suck my dick. mhm. YEAH bitches get money" are put in. There are two point of views thought about the lyrics. The lyrics are a little full of it and boasty. Yes, I get that. "All eyes on my when I walk in. No question that this girl's a 10. Don't hate cause I'm beautiful X2. My walk, my talk, the way I dress. It's not my fault so please don' trip. Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful.."
No girl would ever say these obnoxious lines in reality, well at least I hope not. Keri's lyrics do show that girls should be positive and feel great about themselves. And if you do, then why not show it? At least it is unlike the rap songs that make women sound like a piece of meat.

Listen to it. "Pretty Girl Rock" makes girls stop what they are doing, dance in the mirror, practice their facial expressions, laugh, and sing aloud the lyrics "Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful." We know it's ridiculous to say but it certainly does feel nice to say it, since it's in a song us girls will sing it. It's enough for us to participate in a double take at our beauty while looking in the mirror...finally seeing the true, stunning glow that our arms, thighs, eyes, nose, shoulders, lips, feet, neck, and whatever else more there is really do have! I know a lot of girls have self esteem issues and just to get them to say they are beautiful in the first place is a big step to confidence. Plus, when I listen to the constant loop of the melody in my head or if I hear it playing on radio I nod my head in approval and get a boost of perkiness. Maybe even a little surge of wildness, and I smile.

Basically: Girl, you're Pretty, and you better Rock it!

Monday, April 25, 2011

It hurts when someone you love and who is a part of you now lives in a place so far away.

#2 Fan Fiction

I think Fan Fiction should have a different title because no one knows what it means!
Thank you Liz-- it's writing a piece of work about someone else's. Well, I'm going to write one about a clip of someone's life who I know, who was never written about.

This girl is golden, quite the ace of spades.♤ Her eyes are a deep brown that turns a light chestnut color in the glare of the sun. Her beautiful hair is naturally wavy with little angel wing curls on the sides of her part. She hates it, so she puts her hair wet in braids so it dries in a pretty wavy fashion. Her laugh is rich with spirit and warmth. Not the typical ‖string bean‖ type body. Just an 'ol average body with a great soul, which captivates everyone in its illuminating path. You would never expect for the girl to have the history she does. The path she had walked on before the present.

I'm her best friend. She's mine. I've been best friends with her since I moved, from the age ⑤. We tell each other everything and are very open to each other. I thought I knew every single detail about her. Until she told me I would never think a girl like her would have gone through this. Her smile, a thousand m i l e s  w i d e,  appropriately shields the trauma and constant nightmares. Her cousin who was about 14 (she was age ⑧) had raped her whenever he saw her, which was often. She didn't know any better. Thought it was normal until she turned 14 and learned what the game she had played with her cousin was anything but normal.

I would do anything for her. She is one of the best people I have ever met. She doesn't know this, but I look up to her. Even though she is 2 inches higher and a month younger. But really, she is one of my role models. How could she not be?
When it down pores and I'm soaked to the skin,
She is the stream of light ☀
beaming through the array dark clouds. ☁
She is the one nearby holding the umbrella ☂,  keeping you dry.
Girl, you keep me alive. I know you'll be in my life forever. Love you.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

#1 Autobiography

I don't want to write my own autobiography because it gives too much away. Plus, many people are wrong about how they are viewed and share facts that aren't true. So right now I'm going to write my own fake autobiography.

Hi. My name is Juliette Sarah. No, I'm not married to Romeo. Yes, my name is not spelled like "Juliet." It's Juliette. My life is far from normal living in a world where everything is the color blue. Stop it--I can hear you commenting that I'm in the Blue Man Group and I'm not on the Dodgers and I will not "Think Blue." You're definitely singing the lyrics "I'm blue dah bah dee, dah bah dah.''  You know I don't have to continue-- if you want to hear be quiet and just listen. I know it's a shocker to the people who live outside this land, but you better believe it. The grass is navy. The sky is a bright royal blue. Don't be scared. We aren't aliens, we're just like you! My hair is federal blue, but my eyes are a different story. The outer rims are a very dark navy, while the inside varies in all different shades and gets as light as powder blue. However, my pupils are a raven black. When you look into anyone's eyes here, there is no hiding what you're feeling and thinking. There is a myth that when you stare into people's eyes you can see their souls, which I believe. People's black pupils are the only thing that is a different color in this land. Back on track, my skin is fairly light, and I hate how everyone makes fun of it. Just because I'm not egyptian blue I do not earn the right to be teased. Oh, my family! I have a brother Jason and a sister Wyatt. Naturally, they are also blue. We live off of eating different types of candy, specifically blue m&ms, and love to splash around in the clear turqouise water in the summertime. You would expect my life to pretty sad since everything is "blue" and all, but my life is amazing. I've got so much to look forward to, and I'm so blessed.
I decided I have don't use a Tumblr because I like to write more than post pictures. I don't want to keep reblogging everyone thoughts. I want to blog MY own thoughts and comments. So here I am-- I took a challenge from Tumblr. I wish people read what I write and commented on it, people who aren't in my life and just enjoy reading what I write.