Monday, April 25, 2011

#2 Fan Fiction

I think Fan Fiction should have a different title because no one knows what it means!
Thank you Liz-- it's writing a piece of work about someone else's. Well, I'm going to write one about a clip of someone's life who I know, who was never written about.

This girl is golden, quite the ace of spades.♤ Her eyes are a deep brown that turns a light chestnut color in the glare of the sun. Her beautiful hair is naturally wavy with little angel wing curls on the sides of her part. She hates it, so she puts her hair wet in braids so it dries in a pretty wavy fashion. Her laugh is rich with spirit and warmth. Not the typical ‖string bean‖ type body. Just an 'ol average body with a great soul, which captivates everyone in its illuminating path. You would never expect for the girl to have the history she does. The path she had walked on before the present.

I'm her best friend. She's mine. I've been best friends with her since I moved, from the age ⑤. We tell each other everything and are very open to each other. I thought I knew every single detail about her. Until she told me I would never think a girl like her would have gone through this. Her smile, a thousand m i l e s  w i d e,  appropriately shields the trauma and constant nightmares. Her cousin who was about 14 (she was age ⑧) had raped her whenever he saw her, which was often. She didn't know any better. Thought it was normal until she turned 14 and learned what the game she had played with her cousin was anything but normal.

I would do anything for her. She is one of the best people I have ever met. She doesn't know this, but I look up to her. Even though she is 2 inches higher and a month younger. But really, she is one of my role models. How could she not be?
When it down pores and I'm soaked to the skin,
She is the stream of light ☀
beaming through the array dark clouds. ☁
She is the one nearby holding the umbrella ☂,  keeping you dry.
Girl, you keep me alive. I know you'll be in my life forever. Love you.

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